
Comprehensive Guide to Inheritance and Succession Laws in Cyprus: Understanding Wills and Probate

Regarding inheritance and succession rights, these are governed by the Wills and Succession Law, Chapter 195. Pursuant to Article 21 of the aforementioned law, any individual may dispose of their property by will. For a will to be valid, it must be in writing and signed at the bottom by the testator in the presence of two or more witnesses.

If the deceased leaves behind children, they may only dispose of up to one-quarter of the net value of their estate at the time of death by will.

If the deceased leaves no children but is survived by a spouse, they may dispose of up to one-half of the net value of their estate by will. If the deceased leaves neither children nor a spouse, they may dispose of the entirety of their estate by will.

The remaining portion of the estate that is not disposed of by the will shall be distributed to the heirs. If the deceased is survived by both a child and a spouse, each shall receive one-half of the remaining estate.

If the deceased leaves no children but has blood relatives up to the third degree of kinship, then half of their estate goes to their spouse.

If the deceased leaves no children and no blood relatives up to the third degree of kinship, but leaves a relative up to the fourth degree, then three-quarters of their estate devolve to their spouse.

If the deceased leaves no children or blood relatives up to the fourth degree of kinship, then the entire estate passes to their spouse.

For an individual who does not have domicile in Cyprus but passed away there, the movable property they leave in Cyprus is governed by the law of the country where they had their domicile at the time of their death.

An individual who does not have domicile in Cyprus and passes away either in Cyprus or abroad but owns immovable property in Cyprus is subject to the provisions of Chapter 195.

In the event that an individual has made a will in their country, particularly in the courts of the United Kingdom or countries of the Commonwealth, it can be probated in Cyprus without the need to follow Chapter 185 of the Administration of Estates (Deceased Persons) Law. After resealing, the will can be executed in Cyprus.

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